This glossary is intended to provide some highlights about the meanings of technical and functional terms that we use over the site of Smartplatform. Fell free to ask if you think that some terms should be added.
CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete. It's a software development basic that formalizes the basic operations we can perform on data.
SmartPlatform extensions are optional code parts not included in Foundation. They are code designed to meet a specific business need.
A framework is a set of technical bricks built to work together and intended to provide a stable working framework for solving a particular problem.
The framework is a tool for achieving more stable, richer and faster developments.
SmartPlatform is developed on the Symfony and VueJs frameworks.
Generic code
Generic code is abstract code designed to be used in several contexts and on several projects. Most of the time, generic code will have to be adapted to suit your project's specific requirements.
An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the minimum scope of your software that can be used by your users to get initial feedback.
You can think of it as an ultra-light version of your application, in which you've removed everything superfluous in order to concentrate on the essentials.
The aim of the process is to test your idea on the market as quickly as possible, in order to detect any possible the adoption of your software before embarking on more substantial developments.
NTH (Nice to have) refers to functionalities that are not essential to your project, but which could bring a plus if the budget allows. Nice to have” complements ‘Must have’, which refers to mandatory project requirements.
Open source
Open source software is software whose code is publicly available on the Internet and can be used free of charge.
Open source projects are carried out collaboratively by a group of contributors who combine their efforts to create a common solution, generally richer in functionality and with a higher level of quality.
In recent years, open source has become omnipresent in our business, particularly since the creation of the Github and Gitlab platforms, which have revolutionized the way we collaborate.
A responsive interface is one that adapts to the screen on which it is used. When developing this type of interface, it's essential to define the breakpoints to be worked on according to the target users.
Indeed, the greater the number of devices to be taken into account, the longer the development and testing times will be.
Symfony is a professional PHP framework used for SmartPlatform developments.
Symfony is a Javascript-based frontend framework used for SmartPlatform interface development.
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